
Electrical Energy Storage Systems Applications and Technologies 2002 (EESAT 2002)

International technical and commercial experts will meet in San Francisco in April 2002 to emphasize the latest developments of the use of electricity storage in the power industry. Electricity storage technologies are increasing in their scope and performance and bring commercial and technical benefits to the power industry. Attendees from utility companies from across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Southern Africa are already booked to hear the latest developments in this arena, making this an exciting and up-to-the-minute event.

The Third Conference on Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT2002) is planned for April 15-17, 2002. Sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Electricity Storage Association, EESAT2002 will be held at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, CA.

EESAT2002 is intended for the dissemination of papers on specific electrical energy storage technologies and applications, with an emphasis on the latest commercial developments for the use of electricity storage in the power industry.

Following on the successes of the first two EESAT conferences, EESAT2002 will address the full range of electrical energy technologies, including conventional and advanced battery energy storage, super capacitors, SMES, flywheels, CAES and pumped hydro. Both technical and economic papers from international sources will be presented.

Planned Sessions for EESAT include electrical energy storage applications and technologies, multi-megawatt applications, battery applications and testing, systems analysis, super-capacitor theory/applications, high performance flywheels and flywheel applications.

EESAT 2002
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