PowerPulse.net is always looking for great content, and welcomes input from potential authors and contributors. If you would like to submit an article, company press release, new product announcement, or even commentary.
We would be glad to be added to your distribution list for press releases covering your company’s news and product announcements.
For Best Coverage
For all press releases, please send press release, image, datasheet and any other technical information you have (charts, graphs, schematics, etc.).
Ideal picture size and aspect ratio for PowerPulse:
1000 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall are ideal (looks similar to a 16:9 widescreen format). 1000 pixels wide by 750 pixels tall will also work very well (4:3). They key dimension for size is the width, but keeping the aspect ratio as close to 16:9 or 4:3 (horizontal orientation) as you can is ideal.
E-mail Distribution
Submit e-mail press releases to [email protected]. Digital images should be in .jpg or .gif format.
Mailing Address
Opportunity Media Inc.
PO Box 79137
Corona, CA 92879, USA
Phone: 951-751-5654