
Intel Releases Energy Star® Implementation Guidelines

March 20, 2007 by Jeff Shepard

Intel Corp. announced that it has released a new implementation guide, developed in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that helps PC manufacturers and system integrators deliver ENERGY STAR-qualified PCs based on Intel microprocessors and other system components.

The new implementation guide provides large and small system integrators with key understandings on how to specify and test desktop PC, notebook PC, workstation computer and desktop derived server configurations that can best meet the required power levels of the new specification.

ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy that is designed to save businesses and consumers money while protecting the environment through the design and promotion of energy-efficient products and practices.

Intel recently announced its support for the newest ENERGY STAR computer specifications, which will go into effect in phases beginning in July. The new version replaces a previous specification that has been in effect since 2000, and is intended to continue to differentiate the market for energy-efficient computers while also accelerating the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. Intel, meanwhile, is continuing to work with the industry to standardize delivery and measurement of more energy-efficient platforms based on the company’s new Intel® Core™ microarchitecture-based products.

Intel is already delivering microprocessors and other system components that will help PC and laptop suppliers deliver ENERGY STAR systems that qualify for the new ENERGY STAR logo.